Norske Skog halts SC paper PM 6 at Saugbrugs mill after landslide

A landslide occurred in the morning of 27 April in Norway's southern city of Halden causing material damage to the building structures, cranes, and other machinery and equipment relating to PM 6 at Norske Skog's Saugbrugs mill. The PM 6 will be out of service for a longer period of time, reports Norske Skog.

The Saugbrugs mill houses two paper machines. Saugbrugs PM 6 has a capacity of 260,000 tpy of SC paper. Production of SC paper on the mill's PM 4 with a capacity of 100,000 tpy continues.

Norske Skog reported no injuries or fatalities related to the landslide. The company will provide information on the production and financial impact once there is a clear overview of the situation, Norske Skog announced.

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