DS Smith to streamline operations in Poland


In line with its strategy to streamline its operations while integrating former SCA Packaging units DS Smith announced that it would reorganise its packaging business in Poland.

DS Smith said that it would close down the former SCA plant in Pila. According to a DS Smith spokesperson the plant’s 40 employees had been informed about the closure in September. The company is to relocate the Pila plant’s production to its Kwidzyn site, while the plant in Olawa, also a former SCA plant, is to be extended. However, DS Smith has cancelled its plans to build a new corrugated board plant in southeast Poland, thus reducing its capital spending by €20m.

The company is also planning to reorganise its own operations in Poland. A sales office in Gdansk is to be closed down, and the number of employees in the Poznan sales services will be reduced.

⇒ Find this article in its entirety and any associated background information in EUWID Pulp and Paper no. 46

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